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CSS nesting is a feature that allows CSS rules to be nested within one another, providing a more structured and readable way to style HTML elements. This feature enables developers to write cleaner and more maintainable code by organizing related styles together within the context of their parent elements. CSS nesting simplifies the process of targeting specific elements and their descendants, reducing the need for repetitive and verbose selectors.
The concept of CSS nesting originated from preprocessors like Sass and LESS, which introduced nesting as a way to enhance the capabilities of CSS. Preprocessors allow developers to write CSS in a more modular and efficient manner by adding features not natively supported by CSS, such as variables, mixins, and nesting.
The use of the ampersand (&) as a nesting selector is a common practice in preprocessors and has been adopted in modern CSS with the introduction of the & selector in CSS Level 4. The & selector is used to refer to the parent selector within a nested context, allowing developers to create more specific and concise styles.
For example, in Sass:
.button {
background-color: blue;
&:hover {
background-color: darkblue;
In this example, the & symbol refers to the .button selector, allowing the hover style to be nested within the .button rule.
Browser support for CSS nesting and the & selector varies depending on the specific feature and its implementation. According to data from, as of January 2022:
CSS Nesting Module Level 3: This feature is not widely supported in mainstream browsers yet, with only partial support in some versions of Chrome and Safari. Other browsers like Firefox and Edge have not implemented support for CSS nesting at the time of writing.
& Selector in CSS Level 4: The & selector is not widely supported in mainstream browsers either. Its support is limited to experimental implementations in certain versions of Chrome and Safari, with no support in Firefox or Edge.
Due to limited browser support, developers often rely on preprocessors like Sass to take advantage of CSS nesting and other advanced features, which are then compiled into standard CSS for browser compatibility. As browser support for CSS Level 4 features improves over time, native support for CSS nesting and the & selector is expected to become more widespread.
ChatGPT, GPT-3.5, OpenAI, 30 Mar. 2024,
Human Response - Using CSS Nesting
To demonstrate how this functions, we will apply the example code above into our stylesheet, right below.
This button is using similar code as above.
the & selector works as a nesting selector in that it functions only in the context of the nest_button class. It will only highlight elements inside the parent selector. Nesting would work well in a project, seeing that it helps to space out and give context to various selectors and elements on a webpage. You could use it in a variety of ways, and for a variety of different aspects in your stylesheet.