01 Web Development Resources

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Chris Coyier
Summary: Chris Coyier is the founder of CSS-Tricks, a website dedicated to all things CSS and web design. He is also the co-founder of CodePen, an online code editor for front-end developers. Chris is known for his clear and informative writing style, making complex CSS concepts accessible to beginners and experienced developers alike.
Blog: CSS-Tricks
Twitter: @chriscoyier

Rachel Andrew Summary: Rachel Andrew is a highly regarded web developer, writer, and speaker, specializing in CSS layout techniques and web standards. She is a co-founder of Perch CMS and an Invited Expert to the CSS Working Group. Rachel's blog covers a wide range of topics, from CSS grid to responsive design, providing practical insights and tutorials.
Blog: Rachel Andrew's Blog
Twitter: @rachelandrew
GitHub: rachelandrew

Sarah Drasner
Summary: Sarah Drasner is a Vue.js core team member and staff writer at CSS-Tricks. She is an advocate for modern web development practices, including CSS animations, SVG, and JavaScript frameworks. Sarah's blog features in-depth tutorials, demos, and articles on front-end development, with a focus on creating engaging user experiences.
Blog: Sarah Drasner's Blog
Twitter: @sarah_edo

Una Kravets Summary: Una Kravets is a front-end developer, writer, and speaker known for her expertise in CSS architecture, design systems, and accessibility. She works as a Developer Advocate at Google, focusing on web performance and developer tooling. Una's blog covers a wide range of topics, including CSS tips, browser features, and front-end best practices.
Blog: Una Kravets' Blog
Twitter: @Una

These bloggers offer valuable insights, tutorials, and resources for anyone interested in CSS and web development.

ChatGPT, GPT-3.5, OpenAI, 27 Mar. 2024, https://chat.openai.com/c/e4639cae-4d99-4951-a5b4-a284cac3fb12

Human Response - Focusing on Chris Coyier

blog post in question
While this blog post is not from him, it is about him, and something that he has written. It also has very interesting information that would be helpful to most web developers.
The information is valuable because it gives the reader information about 4 different rules/options you can use in CSS. They are:
Container queries, which allow you to apply styles when a custom property has a value,
The :Has() pseudo selector, which allows you to conditionally select an element even when elements further down the tree of the original element match it,
Nesting, which is a way of writing CSS that can add selectors into existing rulesets,
and finally, Scroll-driven animations, which allow the developer to style scrolling entirely within CSS, instead of relying on Javascript to do so.

If you're working on a project, this post would be excellent to use, much like a site like Coyier's own CSS-Tricks is excellent to use, for the information you can obtain from reading through it.