React is a library for building user interfaces, and is used with other libraries to render to certain environments. React Native can be used to build mobile applications. there aren't strict rules around naming conventions or file organization so many teams can use the conventions that works best for them. It is a very popular library and appears to be easy to use. You can find it below.
ReactEmber is a component-service framework that focuses on the overall development expreience, minimizing the differences between applications, and is a light layer on top of JavaScript. There is also both forwards and backwards compatibility for updating versions of Ember. Ember has a massive amount of conventions that developers can pick and choose from. It is a very popular library like React. You can find it below:
EmberMuch newer and not as popular as the first two options, Svelte is an interface that adds a compling step only when the app is being built, which allows your code to be extremely optimized. It is very user friendly for beginners as it has fewer tools and concepts to learn than other libraries. Of course, due to it's age, it is limited for supports and plugins but it can be used to support anything from very small to very big applications, and webpages that are utilizing large amounts of DOM elements. You can find it down below:
SvelteWe discussed two popular frameworks, React and Ember, which are well known and have been around for a while, as well as Svelte, which is much newer and contains a lot less information but is much more user friendly and less complicated.